COVID-19 Protocol.
Protocols are designed according to the guidelines provided by BC’s Provincial Health Officer, BC’s Centre for Disease Control, WorkSafeBC, and the College of Massage Therapy of British Columbia.
Click below for detailed COVID-19 protocols.
What you can do for us
Please stay home if you’re feeling unwell, if you’re at high risk of infection, or if you returned from travel within the past 2 weeks.
Please complete the pre-screening survey 24 hours* prior to your appointment. If you present with any symptoms or you’re told to call 8-1-1 or told to self isolation, please do so and contact us by email to cancel or reschedule your appointment.
Please follow the physical distancing guideline in the waiting area if you arrive early.
Please use hand sanitizer upon entry to the clinic.
Please wear a mask that’s sealed properly around your nose and mouth.
* If pre-screening survey isn’t completed 24 hours prior to your appointment, your appointment might be cancelled without notice. Regular cancellation policy will apply in this case.
What we’re doing for you
All practitioners will be wearing protective equipment aligning with guidelines from health regulators.
All appointments has been reduced by 5 min allowing practitioners to properly sanitize the treatment environment.
All practitioners will assess their condition before coming into work and will stay home if they feel unwell.
Signs and notices are set up in clinic.
Reception area will be sanitized in between appointments. Reception area will be sanitized in between appointments.